March 8, 2019


Frequently Asked Questions

The 2019 theme is "Rendezvous".  A Rendezvous was an annual gathering (1825-1840 at various locations held by a fur trading company at which trappers and mountain men sold their furs and hides and replenished their supplies.  Rendezvous were known to be lively, joyous places, where all were allowed- free trappers, Indians, native trapper wives and children, travelers and later on, even tourists who would venture from even as far as Europe to observe the festivities.

More information can be found HERE, HERE, and HERE.

All registrations must be done via Campmaster.

Submit your events to the committee at  If you need ideas, the event page has several ideas that align with the theme of this year's Camporee.

YES!  Patrols that finish all competitive events can learn how to start a fire with flint & steel and with a friction bow, and a CHALK BALL range.